Preparing for GCSE results day is almost as hard as preparing for the exams themselves! Here are some ways to support your child in the run up to results day and prepare them for the day itself.
Keeping busy
The long summer days are wonderful, but all that free time can allow negative thoughts to creep in. There’s no point in your child replaying exams in their head or worrying about what they did (or didn’t) do in their course work.
So, encourage your child to stay positive and focus on the things they CAN control, like their plans for the days and weeks ahead. You could even sit down with them and plan out an activity schedule that fills their days with fun. Even simple activities like going for a daily walk can help use up some of that nervous energy.
Above all, reassure your child that what’s done is done, and you know that they did the best they could.
Planning for GCSE results day
Talk things through with your child, and make sure they have a plan that works for them. Start by finding out how your child will receive their results – will they be sent by email, or posted, or do they have to go down to school to collect them in person? Will they travel to school alone, or will you take them?
It’s only natural to want to be there with them, but your child may prefer to meet friends so they can all get their results together and go on to celebrate afterwards. That’s fine, but make sure you have a backup plan in case things don’t go as expected. If your child doesn’t get the results they wanted, they may want you to be there to support them. So, take the day off work, and don’t plan any important meetings or appointments.
Celebrating GCSE results
This is a tricky one.You’ll probably want to throw a party to celebrate your child’s exam results. But if things don’t go their way, they may not feel like seeing lots of people or facing endless questions from well-meaning family members. Nevertheless, milestone exams are a rite of passage, and your child deserves to have the occasion acknowledged in some way.
So, let them know that you’d like to reward their hard work regardless of the outcome and ask what THEY would like to do. This doesn’t need to be booked for results day itself. In fact, it’s often better to wait a little while for the celebration as this allows your child time to reflect and process the emotions of the day first.
Having a backup plan
Exam results don’t always go the way you expect. One constructive way to prepare your child for this is to help them plan their backup options.
It’s important to remind them that even the worst-case scenario isn’t the end of the world. Then, help your child to think constructively about what they can do if they don’t get the results they want. This could mean changing their A-level options or looking to re-sit certain exams. Having a plan will help them stay positive and quell that awful feeling of not knowing what the next chapter holds.
Being there for your child
It’s not healthy to bottle up your fears. Every young person needs to know that it’s ok to talk things over with their parents (or carers).
You don’t need to have all the answers – the most important thing is that your child knows you are there to listen. Reassure them that although you want them to do well, you will always love and be proud of them. Above all, remind your child that exams results matter, but they aren’t the most important thing in life. Whatever results day brings, they still have an exciting future ahead of them.
Good luck to all the young people who are getting their GCSE results this summer!
George Alexander Tuition is a specialist maths and science tuition agency based in Central London. We support children aged 11-18 with a variety of termly tuition packages and exam coaching from 11+ to A-Level, including GCSE’s and resits.
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